How Much Does it Cost to Travel Cambodia With Kids?

This is a summary of costs for 15 days traveling through Cambodia by bus and tuk-tuk with our family of 4 including all airfare, transportation, accommodations, excursions, food, groceries and everything down to a stick of gum.

Want to know how much you should pay for a trip to Angkor Wat and Bayon, how about an English tour guide? Then take a look at our chart below – be forewarned, things are not always grammatically correct, but I am sure you will be able to figure it out.

Quick Summary

  • Total cost for 15 days: $2,038.75 USD
  • Daily average: $135.92
  • Accommodation: $512
  • Transportation: $259
  • Excursions: $607
  • Visas: $120
  • Restaurant: $342.05
  • Groceries: $91.20

Cambodia Family Travel Expense Worksheet

Date Currency Price Category Item
2/15/2015 2:53:00 USD $120.00 Visa Cambodia visa
2/15/2015 22:10:00 USD $4.00 Resturaunt Shakes
2/15/2015 22:10:00 USD $5.00 clothes T shirts
2/16/2015 0:11:00 USD $31.00 gifts Scarf for demise
2/16/2015 2:31:00 USD $19.00 Resturaunt Dinner
2/16/2015 15:15:00 USD $64.00 Excursions Circus
2/16/2015 15:16:00 USD $5.00 Transport Tuk tuk for circus
2/16/2015 20:36:00 USD $80.00 Excursions Bike ride tour
2/17/2015 2:43:00 USD $6.50 Resturaunt Pizza
2/17/2015 2:43:00 USD $13.00 Resturaunt Lunch
2/17/2015 2:43:00 USD $9.00 Groceries Bug spray
2/17/2015 2:59:00 USD $4.00 Groceries Water
2/17/2015 15:13:00 USD $30.00 Accommodation Siem reap rooms
2/17/2015 15:18:00 USD $28.00 Resturaunt Dinner
2/17/2015 16:55:00 USD $3.00 Transport Tuk tuk
2/17/2015 17:59:00 USD $40.00 Excursions Angor
2/17/2015 18:01:00 USD $55.00 Excursions Tuk tuk and guide
2/17/2015 23:59:00 USD $28.00 Resturaunt Lunch
2/17/2015 23:59:00 USD $2.00 street food Fruit
2/17/2015 23:59:00 USD $1.00 Souvenir Post cards
2/18/2015 15:06:00 USD $5.00 Transport Tuk tuk
2/18/2015 15:06:00 USD $63.00 Excursions Ladyboy show
2/18/2015 15:06:00 USD $14.50 Resturaunt Lunch
2/18/2015 15:06:00 USD $8.00 Groceries Batteries Ice cream Chocholate
2/18/2015 15:11:00 USD $27.00 Resturaunt Dinner
2/18/2015 15:13:00 USD $30.00 Accommodation Siem reap rooms
2/19/2015 15:13:00 USD $18.00 Accommodation Siem reap rooms x1
2/19/2015 21:40:00 USD $3.50 Groceries Fruit
2/19/2015 21:40:00 USD $3.00 Groceries Water
2/19/2015 21:42:00 USD $10.00 Excursions Tenple
2/19/2015 21:42:00 USD $35.00 Transport Temple tuk tuk
2/20/2015 5:01:00 USD $1.00 street food Donuts
2/20/2015 5:44:00 USD $15.50 Resturaunt Mexican dinner
2/20/2015 7:37:00 USD $9.00 gifts Baby gifts pants and animals
2/20/2015 15:13:00 USD $18.00 Accommodation Seam reap rooms x1
2/20/2015 20:09:00 USD $69.25 Resturaunt Belfast x6
2/20/2015 23:28:00 USD $6.30 Resturaunt Ice cream
2/20/2015 23:52:00 USD $5.30 Groceries Gum meds
2/21/2015 0:39:00 USD $32.40 Groceries Groceries
2/21/2015 1:07:00 USD $4.00 Transport Tuk tuk
2/21/2015 1:48:00 USD $1.00 Groceries Water
2/21/2015 3:44:00 USD $18.00 Resturaunt Dinner Khmer kitchen
2/21/2015 5:37:00 USD $2.50 Souvenir Rabbit
2/21/2015 5:37:00 USD $14.00 Excursions Messages
2/21/2015 5:38:00 USD $1.00 Groceries Water
2/21/2015 15:06:00 USD $64.00 Transport Bus seim to phenom
2/21/2015 22:35:00 USD $2.50 Groceries Water and bread
2/22/2015 4:25:00 USD $5.00 Transport Tuk tuk
2/22/2015 4:25:00 USD $10.50 Resturaunt Dinner
2/22/2015 4:26:00 USD $65.00 Accommodation King grand boutique hotel pehn
2/22/2015 21:38:00 USD $18.00 clothes Berkshire shoes x2
2/22/2015 21:38:00 USD $9.00 Excursions S21+brochure
2/22/2015 22:50:00 USD $3.00 gear Sunglasses
2/22/2015 22:50:00 USD $6.00 clothes Dress
2/22/2015 22:50:00 USD $3.50 Groceries Water and ice cream
2/22/2015 22:50:00 USD $2.00 gear Watch
2/22/2015 22:50:00 USD $4.00 gear Camera bag
2/22/2015 22:52:00 USD $6.00 gear Backpack sm
2/22/2015 23:02:00 USD $10.00 Souvenir Genicide book
2/22/2015 23:28:00 USD $4.00 Souvenir Scarf
2/22/2015 23:35:00 USD $10.00 Transport Tuk tuk
2/23/2015 4:26:00 USD $65.00 Accommodation Grand king
2/23/2015 23:28:00 USD $3.00 ice cream Ice cream
2/23/2015 23:29:00 USD $12.00 Excursions Killing fields
2/23/2015 23:29:00 USD $12.00 Transport Tuk tuk
2/24/2015 1:42:00 USD $70.00 Accommodation Grand king
2/24/2015 5:25:00 USD $16.50 Resturaunt Dinner same same backpacker
2/24/2015 15:02:00 USD $8.00 Groceries Water mini bar
2/24/2015 15:04:00 USD $44.00 Transport van to sen monorom
2/24/2015 15:04:00 USD $5.00 Transport Tuk tuk to van
2/25/2015 1:42:00 USD $30.00 Accommodation Nature lodge sen monorom
2/26/2015 1:42:00 USD $30.00 Accommodation Nature lodge sen monorom
2/26/2015 4:30:00 USD $46.00 Resturaunt Dinners x 2 and brkfst desert nature lodge
2/26/2015 4:30:00 USD $8.00 Transport Motor ride
2/26/2015 4:32:00 USD $10.00 Groceries Fruit and rolls
2/26/2015 6:26:00 USD $260.00 Excursions Elephant valley all day with meals
2/26/2015 19:39:00 USD $66.00 Accommodation King gran
2/26/2015 23:34:00 USD $5.00 Transport Tuk tuk to hotel
2/27/2015 2:09:00 USD $20.00 Resturaunt Lunch
2/27/2015 6:24:00 USD $54.00 Transport Van San monorom to PP
$2,038.75 USD

Jump into the Gap

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived" - Henry David Thoreau

About Stephen

To teach our children the meaning of gratitude, to grow as a family through love, adventure, service community and of course travel.

2 comments add your comment

  1. I love this blog, you all look to have had some amazing adventures in some beautiful countries. We hope to see a lot of these over the next few years too and your information and cost breakdowns are helping us out a lot in our planning. thanks

    • Hi Charlotte,

      We had an amazing adventure. Truly the highlight of my 38 years of life! Places like Cambodia and Vietnam can be explored on even a tighter budget and are an amazing value. Malaysia was also spectacularly beautiful, this caught me off guard. I wish you and your family wonderful travels!

      – Stephen